This year Gloucester Goes Retro is the host of two competitions that you can take part in - The Colin Organ Photography Competition and The Best Dressed Competition.
In honour of the late great Cllr Colin Organ, the founder of festival, we are running the Gloucester Goes Retro Photo Competition. With so many wonderful cars, pieces of vintage fashion and amazing performers around, this festival is a great place to take amazing photos.
Take part by simply sending your best pics from this year's event to visitgloucester@gloucester.gov.uk by 29 September 2024 (use 'GGR Photo Competition' in the subject).
The photos will be judged by an expert panel including the family of Cllr Colin Organ. The winning snap will be used to promote future festivals, and it'll be seen far and wide! The winner will also receive £100 of high street gift vouchers!
​Gloucester Goes Retro loves to dress up and we are encouraging everyone to wear their best retro and vintage gear.
The best dressed will receive one of our famous golden tickets, inviting them to the main stage in Mariners Square at 2.45pm to take part in our best dressed competitions.
With prizes awarded to the best dressed Man; Woman; Child and Group.
​Local businesses can also get involved with the Best Dressed Shop Window and Best Dressed Team competitions!
Photo Competition Terms and Conditions
This photography competition (the ‘Competition’) is subject to the following Terms and Conditions (‘Conditions’) and by entering the Competition you agree to be bound by them.
1. All Entries must be received by 5pm (BST) on 29 September 2024 (‘Closing Date’).
2. The Competition is open to persons who are resident in the United Kingdom, and also to persons who are resident outside of the United Kingdom provided that they able to enter the Competition without breaching any law or regulation of the jurisdiction in which they are resident.
3. Gloucester City Council shall assume that the parents or guardians of any entrant who is less than 18 years old have consented to that person’s entry into the Competition.
4. Employees of Gloucester City Council, their relatives or any agents or employees are not eligible to enter the Competition.
Competition entries
5. Entries should be submitted in a HIGH RESOLUTION format, minimum 350 dpi. Images which are not high resolution may be discounted from the competition. Entries should be submitted by emailing visitgloucester@gloucester.gov.uk by the Closing Date (5pm 29 September 2024) entries after this time will not be considered.
6. Only entries submitted in the correct resolution format in electronic form will be included in the judging.
7. If your entry has peoples faces in the picture please make sure you get written permission using the permission form here.
8. Prize-winners will be selected and notified by 13 October 2024 at the latest, by email or through Instagram. One winning image will be selected by judges from Gloucester Bid and Gloucester City Council to feature in next years event promotion. The winner will also receive £100 in high street gift vouchers.
9. Gloucester City Council accepts no responsibility for Entries lost, damaged or delayed whether due to transmission errors, website malfunction, computer error or otherwise.
Intellectual property rights and data protection.
10. Entrants agree to their winning pictures appearing on the websites gloucestergoesretro.com and visitgloucester.co.uk, as well as on blogs, facebook, twitter and other social media channels.
11. By submitting an Entry in the Competition you grant Gloucester City Council a non-exclusive royalty-free worldwide commercial licence unlimited in time, to use the Entry (whether or not it wins the Competition) in all formats and in any medium of communication, and for all promotional purposes which the council shall consider appropriate. The scope of the licence granted shall include your irrevocable permission to the Council to use, reproduce, publish, display, transmit, copy, amend, and store your Entry worldwide for such purposes as the Council shall think fit without restriction.
12. Any personal information relating to entrants will be used by the Council in accordance with its data protection policy which can be found here.